Questions – Where do you work?

In English we use auxiliary verbs for form questions. The auxiliary verbs change depending on the tense.
Im Englischen wird immer ein Hilfsverb verwendet um Fragen zu bilden. Die Hilfsverben verändern sich je nach Zeitform.

Present Simple (einfache Gegenwart)

(with the verb to do) – Where do you work?
(Hilfsverb to do) – Where do you work? (“Wo arbeiten Sie/arbeitest du?”)

Present Continous (Verlaufsform der Gegenwart)

(with the verb to be) – What are you doing?
(Hilfsverb to be) – What are you doing? (“Was machst Du/machen Sie?”)

Past Simple (einfache Vergangenheit)

(with the past form of to do) – What did he do yesterday.
(Vergangeheitsform des Hilfsverbs to do) – What did he do yesterday? (“Was hat er gestern gemacht?”)

Past Continuous (Verlaufsform der Vergangenheit)

(with the past form of to be) – What were you doing at 11am yesterday?
(Vergangenheitsform des Hilfsverbs to be) – What were you doing at 11am yesterday?

Present Perfect (Perfekt)

(with the verb to have) – Have you been to London before?
Present perfect (mit dem Hilfsverb to have) – Have you been to London before? (“Sind Sie/bist du schon mal in London gewesen?”)

Will-future (will-Zukunftsform)

(will+ infinitive) – When will you go to the office?
(will+ Infinitiv) – When will you go to the office? (“Wann werden Sie/wirst du im Büro sein?”)