Present continuous – I am working on a presentation this week

Use (Verwendung)

The present continuous is used to describe temporary actions or events which are either happening at the time of speaking, e.g.I’m writing an email at the moment, or events of a longer term but still temporary nature, which are happening around now, e.g. I’m working on a sales project this week.
The present continuous is only used with active verbs (actions such as to do, to work, to go).
Note: State verbs such as to own and to know are normally not used with the present continuous.

Das Present Continuous wird gebraucht um vorübergehende Handlungen oder Ereignisse zu beschreiben, die entweder zum Zeitpunkt des Sprechens geschehen (I’m writing an email at the moment. = “Ich schreibe gerade eine Email”.) oder Ereignisse, die zwar länger andauernd, die aber trotzdem vorübergehend und die zum Zeitpunkt des Sprechens noch nicht agbeschlossen sind, z.B. I’m working on a sales project this week. (“Ich arbeite an einem Verkaufsprojekt diese Woche.”).
Das Present Continuous wird nur bei Verben gebraucht, die Handlungen beschreiben (wie z.B. to do, to work, to go).
Wichtig: Zustandsverben wie to own (besitzen) und to know (kennen, wissen) werden normalerweise nicht im Continuous gebraucht.


The present continuous is formed with the respective form of the verb to be and the -ing form of the verb:
work – am/is/are working
go – am/is/are going
Verbs which end with an –e: we simple remove the –e then add –ing form:
give – am/is/are giving
Short verbs (i.e. with one syllable) which end with a vowel followed by a consonant, we simple double the consonant:
get – am/is/are getting

Das Present Continuous wird mit der passenden Form des Verbs to be und der -ing Form des Verbs gebildet:
work – am/is/are working
go – am/is/are going
Bei Verben, die auf einem -e enden, verdrängt das -ing das -e:
give – am/is/are giving
Bei kurzen Verben mit einer Silbe, die auf einem Vokal gefolgt von einem Konsonaten enden, wird der Konsontant verdoppelt:
get – am/is/are getting

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Positive Sentences (bejahte Sätze)

I am working in Berlin this week.
She is giving a presentation at the moment.
We are staying in a nice hotel this week.

Negative Sentences (Verneinung)

Negatives in the present continuous are formed with not between the subject and verb.
Verneinungen werden im Present Continuous gebildet, indem not zwischen das Subjekt und das Verb geschoben wird.

I am not working in Berlin this week.
She is not giving a presentation at the moment.
We are not staying in a nice hotel this week.

Questions (Fragen)

Questions are formed by inverting the subject and to be. Question words are placed at the start of the sentence.
Fragen werden gebildet, indem das Subjekt und to be vertauscht werden. Fragewörter werden an den Satzanfang gestellt.

Where are you working this week?
Is she giving a presentation at the moment?
Where are they staying this week?