Conditionals 1 & 2 (if sentences)


If sentences, also called conditional sentences, can be used with if at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence:
If you send me the report by tomorrow, I will be ready for the meeting.
If we leave at 7am, we will be on time for the flight.
I will be ready for the meeting if you send me the report by tomorrow
we will be on time for the flight if we leave at 7am

Conditional 1

Conditional sentences with verbs in the present are used to describe things that we consider to be realistic. This is what we call Conditional 1:



Positive sentence

If I see you I will give you the letter.


will give you the letter if I see you.

Negative sentence

If I don’t see you I won’t be able to give you the letter.


won’t be able to give you the letter if I don’t see you.

If you see the boss, tell him that I want to speak to him please
If you don’t give me the information soon, I won’t be in time to make the deadline.

Conditional 2

Conditional sentences with verbs in the past form are used to describe things that we consider to be hypothetical. This is what we call Conditional 2 – it is the equivalent of the German “Konjunktiv II “.
Note: The verb is only in the past form not in the past tense! It is simply describing hypothetical situations



If I won the lottery, I would give you some of the money.
would give you some of the money if I won the lottery.
If I could help you, I would (or, I would help you if I could).
If you sent me the email with the information, I could pass it on to the production manager.
would buy your products if you gave me a 10% discount.

when & if

When – German: wenn – When I see you, I’ll give you the letter. (Wenn ich dich sehe…)
If – German: falls – If I see you, I’ll give you the letter. (Falls ich dich sehe…)

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