Grammar Practised Level: Business English (B1 – B2) Grammar In Progress Lesson Content Verb - object Verb with -ing Verbs with -to Present simple Present continuous Present simple v present continuous Past simple Past continuous Past simple v past continuous Used to Present perfect Present perfect: for & since Present perfect: before, have & ever Present perfect: just, yet & already Present Perfect v Past Simple Future: going to & will Present Continuous for Future Plans Passive voice Make/do collocations Adjectives Adverbs versus adjectives Countable & uncountable nouns: much, many & a lot of Comparison of adjectives & quantifiers: good, better, best - the most, fewer etc Conditionals 1 & 2 (if sentences) There is / there are Should / shouldn't Have to & must Indirect questions Question tags Reported Speech Reflexive pronouns / each other Present perfect continuous Past perfect Mixed tenses (I go, I am going, I went, I was going, I have been) Mixed tenses (I worked, I have worked, I have been working, I had worked) Passive Voice with Mixed Tenses Future - different forms Back to Course